Type of transportation
Transportation is offered for medical and paramedical appointments: general practitioner or specialist, dentist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, etc.
We cannot offer transportation to people undergoing cancer treatment, dialysis or physio treatments on a regular basis (more than 3 times a week).
For oncology transportation you can contact OVPAC at 450 371-5400 or http://ovpac.org/ .
The person must open a file by dialing 450 455-3331, ext. 0.
-The person must call to request transportation between 5 to 10 days before the appointment.
-L’Actuel tries to match the user with a volunteer.
-If a volunteer is available, L’Actuel confirms the transportation with the user.
-The volunteer calls the user the day before the transportation to schedule the time.
-The user will be charged a travel fee to compensate for the cost of using the volunteer’s vehicle.
-The cost of transportation must be paid at the time of transportation and in cash only.
-The user is responsible for parking fees and tolls.
-A $15 fee will be added to the basic fee for an appointment longer than 4 hours.